Customized Nutritional Plans to help you meet your goals!
Are you ready to lose the Quarantine 15lbs?
I am so excited to share this opportunity with you! This program has been developed through years of trial and error, actually doing all of the fad diets out there and real world experience helping clients just like you!
There is no quick fix or pill.
Lose 16 pounds in a week!...yeah right.
The most reliable way to get real results is through consistency. Eat real food. Keep your intake levels set to meet your goals. Most advertised diets out there fail to set realistic expectations for their clients. You've seen all the instagram success stories but didn't get the same results...why? This perpetuates the failure associated with dieting.
30 Day Challenges don't work.
They start you off in the right direction but leave you back where you started....by yourself trying to figure everything out on your own. A great start but not a practical way to get to the end goal.
Elimination and extreme restriction diets don't work either.
When we eliminate/restrict a food group (such as carbs) or severely restrict caloric intake we may see drastic results during the initial few weeks but ultimately I've seen athletes gain back what they lost in just about the same amount of time they lost it.
Thats because most of these programs limit carbohydrate intake.....and the initial weight loss is.....you guessed it...water weight....its even in the name carbo-"hydrate"! Further, anyone can lose weight in extreme caloric restriction......but can you create new healthy habits based on these restrictions and keep it off.....probably not. If you are anything like me you end up craving what has been eliminated and then just fall back to your old habits.
So what works?
I believe in the Flexible Dieting approach....basically its not a diet at all. Think of it as the freedom to eat what you want when you want it….as long as you track it!
I won't ask you to severely restrict any food groups and I won't require you to eat anything specific....like broccoli! I want you to eat what you want to eat....just track your intake......birthday party?...have some cake...just track it!
You will learn to have the freedom to enjoy foods you like. This will create a healthy relationship with food ultimately leading to long lasting results and positive, life changing habits.
What do I do as your Coach?
Through my first hand experience working with clients over the last 10 years I have developed a passion for helping others with nutrition. My system is easy. We become a team. By working together I will share knowledge and experience to help you reach your goals. The process is simple. First, I will show you how track your food intake. Then I will adjust your macronutrient (fancy for food) requirements based on your daily/weekly needs and of course, PROGRESS.
By working together I can provide the ultimate in accountability needed for success. Weekly check-ins monitoring things like sleep, food intake, daily bodyweight and other specific metrics gives us a valuable snapshot into how and why your body is responding to the food you give it.
So are you ready to lose the Quarantine 15?